Yahoo Music Survey Considers DRM-free MP3s

Interesting – Yahoo! Music recently surveyed subscribers about whether they’d be interested in buying DRM-free MP3s.  The questions were:

If Yahoo! Music offered an unrestricted MP3 file format for music downloads, how likely would you be to use it?

Would you consider paying $1.09 for a single, unrestricted MP3 download that would have absolutely no limitations on its use and could be transferred to any portable audio player or computer?  [screenshots here]

Currently, eMusic and Mp3Tunes are two of the biggest DRM-free mp3 file sellers, but they don’t sell mainstream stuff.  If Yahoo can pull it off, iTunes (and LimeWire) could face competition…unless a $1.09 price tag discourages music fans.  Coolio…

(Thanks, Hans)







5 responses to “Yahoo Music Survey Considers DRM-free MP3s”

  1. Edshugeo The GodMoor Avatar

    A lot of these DRM music and video sites come with a list of devices that one would need to support their music files. This restricts potential customers from using their service. Only Apple can get away with convincing people to buy the hardware that works with their service. $1.09? Not happening for me. Maybe for Lossless Flac files.

    I have a PSP*, so I use eMusic, which I think is great. The selection isn’t as comprehensive as iTunes or many others, but I refuse still, to pay 99 cents for MP3s. What I can’t get on eMusic, I can get on CD (normally cheaper than a buck a song) and rip it, or by “other” means.

    To compete with iTunes successfully would mean no DRM and much lower prices. Both are a hard sell for the record labels who “own” the content, though. Which is probably why eMusic seems less mainstream.

    I haven’t heard of MP3Tunes before now. I’ll give ’em a look see.

    *Considering the PSP is made by Sony, it’s odd there’s no DRM in any of the firmwares to date. Unless it’s hiding.

  2. MikeB Avatar

    Mp3Tunes is basically the music found on CD Baby sold in mp3 form. It’s Michael Robertson’s (x-CEO of little project. DRM-free files are their big selling point, but they have very little in the way of name recognition. Still, an interesting attempt at a market opportunity.

    Good points, though; the $1.09 won’t hack it, probably, I agree.

    eMusic’s got a great catalog of indie music. Hopefully their success will continue.

  3.  Avatar

    Why does yahoo have to charge more just to not have them in a restricted proprietary form?

    Apple my have better ties with record lables… but still. There must be a way, for yahoo to lower prices, because even just a cent lower than itunes could bring it crashing down(or atleast leave a few scratch marks on that branch of apple).

  4. Edshugeo The GodMoor Avatar

    If I recall correctly, Apple had to fight to keep the price from going above 99 cents. Some labels wanted a system where newer song cost more ($1.49?) and older songs less.

  5. Free Mp3 Audio Avatar

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